Increased fidelity improves outcomes

Samepage increases fidelity and outcomes by communicating  expectations to staff, capturing digital signature, and monitoring ongoing fidelity.

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Samepage increases implementation fidelity by:


Communicating Expectations

Effective communication sets clear expectations. Too often expectations get lost when delivered verbally and via email. Not to mention, it's difficult to track accountability.


Capturing Digital Signature

Capturing digital signature and acknowledgement from staff increases implementation fidelity by adding a layer of accountability to your communication.


Automating Employee Reminders

Fidelity is key to the success of any educational initiative. Glimpse captures goals and usage expectations to properly analyze each resource in the proper context.


Providing Transparent Accountability

Clear expectation communication, digital signatures, and automated reminders provides transparent accountability and ensures everyone is on the same page.

How we communicate expectations is ineffective and hard to effectively manage

Neither verbal nor email communication are suitable for ensuring adherence to the four pillars of effective communication. Both fall short on:

Employee Accountability Management

Automated Follow-up

Compliance Transparency

Samepage solves these problems and eliminates countless hours of follow up

Samepage increases both the effectiveness of your communication and your staff's accountability to your message.
Whether you are communicating implementation fidelity expectations, directives, policies, or simple reminder, Samepage makes your communication better and more effective!

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Effective Administrator Communication Includes:

Clear Communication

Communication that is organized, accessible, and archived

Confirmation & Accountability

Capture accountability and acknowledgement of all communication and directives


Send reminders and follow-up to out of compliant personnel

Accountability Transparency

Track and document who’s accountable and who’s not

Districts that trust Glimpse