Managing the alignment and impact of ESSER funds is complicated and time consuming. Glimpse can help.
Glimpse tracks the alignment of ESSER funding so you can focus on impacting student achievement. Glimpse's ESSER tracker captures resource alignment and automatically evaluates your return on investment. Each report provides the necessary documentation to satisfy reporting requirements.
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ESSER ROI reports help administrators meet reporting requirements and guide strategic purchasing decisions. Glimpse's ESSR tracker automatically analyzes the effectiveness of each ESSER resource.
Each stakeholder (Federal Programs, District Administrators, School Administrators, etc) can review ROI reports to determine what's working for students and what is not.
"Before Glimpse, we had no reliable way to connect the dots between resource allocation and student outcomes. Glimpse captures what we use in our district to impact students and evaluates their impact. eROI allows us to efficiently manage our budgets and ensure the components of our instructional plan meet the needs of our students"
"Glimpse builds capacity in our teachers and leaders as well as provide the means to monitor the effectiveness of our programs to determine the Return on Investment (ROI) both instructional and financially."
"Glimpse K12 helps us see at a macro and micro level which academic investments are having the biggest impact on learning, so we can do more of what works and less of what doesn’t."
"Until Glimpse, our district had no idea the amount of ineffective spending and the detrimental impact it was having on student achievement.The education return on investment process is ongoing and we feel it will streamline our products and consequently our focus, to support our classrooms more efficiently and effectively.